4 days ago
It doesn’t have to be that way…Anxiety can make you feel like you're trapped in your own mind, unable to escape the worries and fears that consume you.Sometimes it can make you feel like you're drowning in a sea of uncertainty and fear, with no life raft in sight.When it takes hold, it can make even the smallest tasks feel overwhelming and impossible.Anxiety can leave you feeling drained and exhausted, as if you've been fighting an uphill battle all day.But it doesn’t have to be that way. Imagine waking up each morning feeling calm and refreshed, with a sense of ease and clarity in your mind.Being free from anxiety means you can enjoy the present moment without worrying about what might happen next.It's like seeing the world through a new lens, with a sense of wonder and curiosity that was once obscured by fear and doubt.Being free from anxiety means you can pursue your passions and dreams without hesitation, knowing that you have the strength and resilience to overcome obstacles along the way. Getting help to deal with anxiety means you can start living life to the fullest, with a sense of gratitude and appreciation for all that you have and all that you can achieve.If you want to know more get in touch. Marina
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updated their profile picture.
5 days ago
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5 days ago
Be happyWhen you think about doing something to make you happy do you think of the things that you can buy that will make you feel happy, or the food that you eat that makes you happy. Maybe it’s doing something you enjoy such as going for a meal, the cinema, a show or meeting up with friends. All of those can certainly help you feel happy, but only in those moments. These things are only temporary and the pleasure and joy they bring are short lived. If you’re not happy with yourself then these things are just temporary distractions from your unhappiness, once those moments have passed you return to your previous state. The real happiness comes from being happy with you, so it’s important to focus your efforts in the right place. Each morning you wake up, you wake up you. There may be parts of you you are unhappy with. It’s maybe how you look, or maybe it’s something you did that you’re not proud of, it might be your job. No matter what it is, your long term happiness comes from within and they way you feel about yourself as a person. It’s not about what you have or do, it’s about being happy with who you are and It’s not always easy, it’s not always fast to get there, but you can get there. Marina
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6 days ago
The average person spends 1h 50mins per day worrying about something. That time and worry can have a huge impact on your body and mind. Now that’s the “average person”, if you are someone with anxiety chances are that will be more. Imagine what all that worrying is doing to your body. I know when I’m anxious I start clenching my teeth in my sleep so when I wake up my jaws and my neck ache. Your body goes into fight or flight mode and the brain releases stress hormones to prepare for what it thinks is about to happen, it prepares to either run away or fight the predators. Because of this your body will tense which can lead to aches and pains as well as headaches and back pain, weak legs. It can also cause digestive problems, such as constipation or diarrhoea, often leaving you feeling that you can’t leave the house in case of a mishap. It can also lower your immune system, leaving it easier for you to pick up colds.With all that extra worry your immune system has less time to recover and you may feel even more tired and lethargic. For 1h 50mins you could be in a session with myself freeing you from your anxiety, resulting in a much more relaxed mind and body. So given the choice would you rather continue to spend the time in a state that doesn’t serve you or would you spend that time in a session with me taking the first steps on your path to calm, joy and happiness. Marina
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1 week ago
Lazy SundaysI’ve got the house to myself and I’m enjoying some guilty pleasures. This is me having some self care. How’s your Sunday, what have you done for your self care today? Marina
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