Below is a range of testimonials from clients who have had great success in their sessions
I have recently finished my sessions with Marina and all i can say is if you’re thinking about doing her silent counselling then DO IT!!
I honestly tyhink she’s the worlds kindest and most caring soul. I can’t explain the sheer joy and excitement that you share when you reach your light bulb moments in these sessions.
I will always HIGHLY recommend Marina to anyone who will listen to me!!
Wonderful experience with results!
Marina got stuck in immediately releasing trapped emotions causing my jaw (TMJ) to not open fully. I had suffered from this for nearly 10 months. Eating was awkward and uncomfortable. I was aware of tight jaw muscles much of the time.
Within a few days my jaw muscles relaxed to let me open my mouth much more. I no longer clunk my fork into my teeth and I don’t notice it anymore.”
My main realisation was that when the bad thing happened to me, I took on board that I had felt safe before it happened, and that feeling safe afterwards was dangerous. So I have put myself in dangerous positions to protect myself.
Sounds counterintuitive, but feels right. So I am reminding myself constantly now, that I am allowed to feel safe. One of the ways I have made myself feel unsafe is to not have any money, and since I had the realisation, things are being/feeling more positive money wise.
And also I am reminding myself that I can’t get better by beating myself up, so I am making a conscious effort to remind myself of all the good I have and am.
I know I couldn’t have seen the wood for the trees if you hadn’t helped me, so thank you so much. But things are different now. I feel it. So again, THANK YOU!
Marina is so helpful and understanding, I’ve never once felt silly about talking to her.
Her techniques seem a little strange to start with but they are so effective. I found Silent Counselling amazing, it was most helpful when you don’t know how to explain something but have big feelings around it.
She’s been such a help to me and given me lots of tools to allow me to keep helping myself.
Thank you so much Marina 💓
Life-changing is how I describe my session. I knew for a number of months that I needed to do something about my anxiety. My world was becoming smaller and smaller. I was getting more and more terrified to leave my house. My house was my “safe place”.
When I visited Marina, she advised me what procedure she was going to use before asking me if I just wanted her to “get on with it”. Which I did, as I was fed up feeling the way I did. I was having a pretty bad anxiety day that day too.
After 2 hours (there is no time limit to Marina’s treatments) and a waterfall of tears (when I don’t normally show emotion), I felt like a new woman!
At this time, I wanted to know what the solutions were to any situation I could potentially find myself in. However, I did not know what the answers were. Time has passed since my session, and I’ve been presented with a situation, I do not overreact. I think rationally and don’t overthink. I am no longer a worry wart who thinks that the worst possible scenario is the only situation.
Not long after my session with Marina, I started a new job, which, I knew almost immediately, was not the right place for me to be working.
Having not been to see Marina I would probably still have been in the previous job. Or perhaps not have realised so quickly that the “new” job had the potential to make me unwell.
In the meantime, I applied, and was successful, in being appointed to a job supervising 20+ people. Which I am thoroughly enjoying. It comes with a number of scenarios, on a daily basis, which could cause anxiety to any one of us. There was NO WAY I could have taken on this role had I not been treated by Marina and managed my mental health in a way that I remain calm when a situation is presented to me.
A number of friends, who I do not see very often, have commented on the fact that I am a different, more positive, person. I feel more “laid back” and situations which would have, in the past, caused me to have a meltdown. I take in my stride. Sometimes, I still have “moments”, however, these are less frequent and not as intense. I also know how to deal with them.
After my session with Marina, I reviewed some “friendships” which were adding to my anxiety. So I have, over a period of time, removed these people from my life.
I have also reduced some anxiety triggers. Some of which cannot be eradicated, but I have learnt to deal with. One of these triggers is a family member who is very opinionated. I have started to “talk back” to this person and they are not liking this. In the past, I would not have retorted but would have walked away feeling belittled.
There are occasions when I have been invited out with friends but know that I don’t HAVE to go. Knowing this, I do not put pressure on myself. Most of the time, I end up going to these events because I know I have a “get out”.
All in all, Marina has changed my life. I cannot recommend her enough to anyone who is suffering from anxiety

I have done a number of sessions with Marina. In one session we focused on the havening technique. for most of my life, I have been unable to sleep and could not work out why. This session clarified the reason and we worked on the techniques of havening to help me work through the issues. for the first time in at least 10 years, I got a full night’s sleep.
I recommend transformations to anyone who tells me they have anxiety or depression or even just general life stress. absolutely amazing!
I went to Marina as I have had issues around fear and how the fear was holding me back and getting me down constantly. These issues have always been there but lately been getting worse and the lockdown has only made it more difficult, so it seemed like this was the right time to do something about it
Although we couldn’t do a session in person Marina offered me a face-to-face session through video chat and recommended a new type of therapy she was working on called silent counselling.
The difficulty for me is that I wasn’t sure why I had these issues and what may be causing them. This therapy could tap into my subconscious and would be something very different I was assured.
We completed the therapy over 2 sessions and can say it was amazing. After the first one, I had an emotional few days as I felt a shift in my thinking and a weight lifted from me. During the 2nd session, Marina was able to determine it was my confidence and lack of self-belief that was actually causing the issues and help lift these from me. At the end of the session, I came away feeling great and I have seen a massive improvement in my thought process now.
I can absolutely recommend Marina and she has an amazing skill set to help in so many different ways. I can only say that have an open mind and go for it. A massive thank you to Marina for all of the help and support I have gotten from her.
Thank you Marina for the incredible online Hypnotherapy session. Within 2 video meetings with you, my anxiety and physical pain decreased so much. You were present, and caring and the one to one attention was so helpful for me. I appreciate you.
Marina is fabulous, having lived with most of my adult life guilty around certain foods I no longer have these feelings because of Marina’s work, having ms and fibromyalgia she gave me coping strategies when I’m in a flare-up definitely 5/5 for me.
I have had a few sessions with Marina over a period of time. I.e. Silent Counselling and Hypnosis and Bio Energy Healing.
When I had the Bio Energy healing, I suffer from COPD and since going to see Marina I have noticed a vast improvement in my breathing. I visited the nurse at my doctor’s surgery and she noticed an improvement and advised me to keep doing what I was doing.
Since seeing Marina I feel happier and content and more confident in myself. If it wasn’t for Marina I wouldn’t be where I am today.
I am so glad I met Marina. I believe our paths crossed at just the right time. Last session today but I know where she is should I need to contact her.
I cannot begin to explain the difference my sessions with Marina have made to me. All for the better!
Thanks Marina for guiding me to where I am now ❤️❤️.
Before going along to Transformations, I was really struggling with anxiety from a past traumatic experience. I would suffer panic attacks in public, on public transport, in shopping centres, and even in the car. A bang of a car door would set me off, or someone sitting too close to me.
I felt that I couldn’t do anything without confidence. I felt that anxiety had control over me.
Since doing a few sessions, I’ve really noticed a difference in myself. My family and friends can see the difference too. I feel stronger in myself mentally and physically feel the benefit, I’m sleeping better, more awake in myself and feel like a new improved me. I don’t have that dark cloud holding me back, I feel free like a huge weight has been taken away from me. Nothing or no one has a hold on me anymore, I finally feel like I am 100% and back on track with life and back in control again.
100% recommended, so friendly and helpful.
Silent counselling was amazing and I can’t quite believe how accurate everything was without words!
Feeling so much lighter and so much more relaxed.
Highly recommend Marina.
Once again ….. thank you.
I had a session with Marina via Skype and really enjoyed the whole experience. Have had a really positive outcome from the session. So I would recommend Marina to everyone, an amazing woman with a wealth of experience.
I had a phobia that’s been getting worse. Marina had said she could help with it. I was sceptical tbh, but keen to try. Well, I wish I had listened sooner as one visit sorted it out for me.
I have been testing myself the last week like you said I would Marina, but no issues at all. Totally able to cope now. Don’t know what you did, but it works. Many thanks Marina. #awesome xx
So folks if you have a phobia, no matter what (mine was a bit mad, so not going to share) & it’s affecting your life I totally recommend an appointment with Marina to help you sort it. You won’t regret it.”
I highly recommend Marina Collins and endorse her invaluable therapy fully.
Here is why I find her priceless. In 2000, I collapsed to the floor whilst at work with severe sciatic pain, lumbar pain in the region of L4-L5 of the spine, pins and needles and episodes of numbness persisting on the left side from my hip down to the foot.
Since then I have been in chronic pain.
Following several consultations, I was informed I would need an operation to release the compression on the nerve in my hip in Jan 2004. It was unsuccessful and my meds were increased and strengthened. Then in 2005, I received a bout of radio pulse therapy directly to the nerve. (Painful!) Unsuccessful again, meds increased.
In 2008 following my GP’s advice, I went back to the pain clinic for injections directly into the spine. And yes they hurt a lot. I was also passed on to a neurosurgeon. The injections didn’t work.
The neurosurgeon stated there was a protrusion pushing on my spinal column made of scar tissue from an old injury around the L4-L5 region.
A Laminectomy was scheduled for Sept 2009. It was unsuccessful and I was informed that I also now suffered from what they termed as “Failed Surgery Syndrome.” I suffered from osteoarthritis as a consequence of the surgery too. Being left with a mass of scar tissue following surgery. And the last MRI scan showed I had multilevel abnormalities along the spine, blackened discs, spondylosis, and compressed discs compression root nerves.
I walked in unaided to surgery and have needed walking aids to help move around since. By 2011 I was in a wheelchair and put on high doses of morphine gaining weight.
By 2018 I was getting out of my wheelchair, lost some of the weight but had very limited movements suffering from extreme bouts of pain, pins and needles, numbness, bilateral and from head to toe.
And Now…It’s just as invaluable
Following just one short session with Marina Collins (Sept. 2018) I have a range of movements I never thought I would have again. Which to me is priceless.
That allows me to enjoy my life again without the pain from before. And for once reduced my meds; I am now no longer on Morphine.
I had always been energetic and active; and now with her assistance, I have regained a part of me I thought I had lost forever. I couldn’t sit, stand or lay down without chronic pain, discomfort or altered sensations. There was not a part of my life that was not impacted.
As well as the physical pain though, my life has also been one of immense emotional pain; from a very early age. So that for many years unconsciously I have been carrying this rucksack full of stones, quite literally my pain. And as each year has passed that rucksack has steadily gotten heavier and heavier, weighing me down so much that it seems it was manifesting in my life by slowly breaking my back, bringing me down.
Now with the help from Marina Collins this September, I have been able to set down that rucksack full of negative emotion and not only that, it is okay to do so. I now do not need to carry those negative emotions around with me for the rest of my life, not if I choose not to.
S. Morgan
I don’t understand how as I have tried every other help going for phobias with no effect. Since my session, I have popped more balloons with no reaction and I am surprised and so grateful.
I do not worry about it now and can get on with my life without the constant anxiety. Thank you.
Would highly recommend Marina she’s a very positive and experienced professional but also very approachable. Helped me so much with my fear.
I have struggled with extreme social/general anxiety that I didn’t leave the house & I was physically ill with it.
Marina has given me a new fresh start in life when I thought I was going to be like this forever. She has done more for me than any doctor or medication has for years.
Things are better & I’m getting my life back gradually every day. Now I am happier, more positive & feel stronger. Sometimes I wish I didn’t waste my time trying things for my anxiety for absolute years when I could have just done this… I can’t thank Marina enough she is a gem
When I went for a Bio Energy Healing session, Marina explained what she would be doing and how long the sessions would last. We had a chat before she started about myself, but she made it clear we didn’t have to go into detail.
I went into the first session totally with an open mind.
As soon as Marina started work I could feel the heat working its way up my arms and a wave of emotion came over me and I started crying. Marina told me to just let the tears flow. It was like my body, my energy knew what she was doing and was ready for it.
At the end of every session Marina would tell me where she had worked and where she found issues, she was pretty spot on, able to tell me where my problems were without me giving her much prior information.
I felt more sure of myself, stronger and more confident as the sessions went on. My head had been so busy it was strange to have it calmed. I was sleeping better, my heart was lighter and the weight on my shoulders wasn’t so heavy.
I have spent years talking to different mental health specialists and nothing has been as effective as the work Marina has done. I just wish I’d met her sooner, but maybe the timing is everything.
I had several sessions with Marina for bio energy healing. Marina took the time to explain the process and was careful to ensure I understood what was included in the session.
my first session was kind of strange as I was unsure what to expect or how it would feel. I was very aware though of Marina moving around me and I felt very relaxed. I really enjoyed my session even though there were times I felt I was off balance, but I understood this could happen as Marina had explained it all to me.
After my first session, I was very relaxed but also felt very full of energy and this feeling continued throughout the whole 4 sessions and beyond.
Throughout the whole experience, Marina was able to feel and work on areas I knew I had issues with including my asthma (which has resulted in me not requiring my inhaler as often as before) At times it was surreal how my body reacted to the areas marina was concentrating on and at each session, my legs would actually tremble when Marina had her hands on my knees.
I found these sessions with Marina to have a very positive effect on me and I loved them. I would highly recommend these types of sessions with Marina. I felt so much more relaxed and less prone to tension and anxiety than I was before. I loved how energised I always felt after the sessions, this was a prolonged effect and was unexpected and amazing,
These sessions are something I will definitely have in the future.
Before the first bio energy session I was nervous but looking forward to something new. Marina took the time to explain how the sessions would work and how many there would be.
I found it hard to relax during the first session and held myself tense, however, Marina soon had me relaxed.
I suffer from regular severe migraines and I thought perhaps the sessions would help with those. I didn’t expect the other benefits I quickly felt.
I could feel a lift when Marina started working on my throat and heart chakras. From the first session to the last, I felt tingling down my right area. I also felt lots of weight being lifted from my head as things were let go of that I’d held onto for years.
At certain times I could feel a “waterfall” sensation move over my body, followed by the most gentle relaxing emotion I’ve ever felt.
During my last session Marina did some more specoific work for migraines adn this felt different from other things she had done, but made my head feel much better.
Since starting the Bio Energy I have only had one migrain rather than the 5 or 6 I’d normally have had and even better I’ve felt the warning signs of one starting a few times and then it’s just disappeared.
I highly recommend this to anyone and would love to have more done.
Thanks for all your help Marina, our sessions really helped me to feel more in balance with myself and I felt like a weight had been lifted and I felt a lot lighter again and more like myself.
I would recommend you to friends/family.
Last year my lifelong fear of spiders took a turn for the worse. It was affecting many areas of my life. I almost left a job I loved just because I came across spiders there. I was terrified and would have full-on panic attacks if I saw one, I’d checked a room before entering and was always on the lookout for one.
My friend recommended contacting Marina. I had no idea what else I could do, so I messaged Marina.
I will be honest, although I believed that this worked for my friend, I thought I was basically throwing money in the bin. But I was desperate so I gave it a shot.
Marina was great and we did some things over zoom. She also gave me exercises to do when I became anxious with thoughts or sightings of spiders. A few months on and I’m transformed.
Once I was someone who would literally burn a house down, run, scream and panic if a spider occupied the same room. Now I’m someone who can pick one up in a glass and put it outside. I can now sit in my garden without checking my surroundings a million times and If I do see one it doesn’t phase me. I would recommend Marina to anyone who has a fear or anxiety about certain things or situations. It’s made a huge difference in many areas of my life.
One amazing lady ⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️
Four weeks since starting Get Serious Get Slim, and that’s 1.5 stones off, 8lbs of it since, I am so happy! Love having a smaller stomach! Thank you for giving me my life back, no more walking about hanging my head in shame anymore!
Before I came to see you I couldn’t talk, think or look at anything on the subject of injuries, hospitals or anything along those lines.
From a young girl, I’ve fainted at the sight of blood, or even listened to a story of someone who had hurt themselves. I couldn’t step foot in a hospital without fainting at the door.
Having kids I really couldn’t let this control my life any longer. I couldn’t take my daughter to the hospital when she broke her finger.
During my session, I actually felt the negative energy drain from me and the positive ones taking over.
I have walked away a new person. I feel like my whole life has changed.
I’ve sat and googled lots of pictures of injuries and even went to a&e. No more trauma
Thanks so much Marina you’ve changed something I never thought was possible
I would love to thank you for everything.
My fear of flying has gone, woo hoo! …..and if it ever comes back I’ll use the techniques you taught me. I have you both a little something from Lanzarote, to remind you that I’m one of the people that you helped.
Wanted to thank you again, I slept so well last night, the best sleep I’ve had in months it feels like an enormous weight has been lifted. I would never have believed that I could feel this good after 1 session. I can’t thank you enough and so glad I made the choice to make a positive change.
Just checking in to let you know how grateful I am. This past week has been the best I’ve felt in a very long time. And I am amazed at the complete turnaround in my attitude and thinking. I am no longer consumed with negative emotions and hurt from the past and I am able to think positively and feel in control of my emotions. Today I faced. a situation, which previously would have stressed my out. With calm and positivity I was able to just accept it for what it was and let it go. Really can’t believe how good that feels, so thank you again. I have slept so well since.
Marina is wonderful. ..I had a Silent Counselling meeting online about a month ago and felt better instantly, and continue to progress. Thanks again Marina
I have struggled with sickness phobia for years, it has gotten noticeably worse since I had my little girl. It got to the point I wasn’t doing “normal day-to-day” activities with her as I was scared she would pick up something and be unwell.
I’ve had 2 sessions with Marina and to say it’s changed my life is an understatement. I feel like I’m a normal person again enjoying life as I should, and not getting anxious about sickness anymore.
I can’t thank you enough Marina
I’ve recently done the Get Serious Get Slim program. I feel fantastic.
My whole outlook on food has changed and for the 1st time in my life, I’m in control of my eating. I’ve no idea how much weight I’ve lost as I’ve not been on scales in years, but in just over a month I’ve dropped a clothes size.
I would recommend Transformations to anyone as the understanding and support have been amazing.
Having had 4 sessions of Bio Energy with Marina I can say that during each session I felt very relaxed.
Marina picked out a few areas that responded to her therapeutic touch such as my stomach and back. I’ve had back pain for many years and felt this had improved somewhat over the sessions. She felt the energy changes in my head, and we wpoke about this. I’ve had migraines for most of my life. My digestive system has changed, for the better.
All in all I’d say that these sessions are very beneficial to your general well being, and prove that Marina is very in touch with her clients energy fields.
I have now had 6 sessions of Bio energy healing with Marina. The first 4 were over 4 consecutive weeks, and the last 2 were spread out by a few weeks.
Marina was incredible and helped me feel at total ease and explained everything that would happen during the session.
I felt a deep sense of relaxation in every session, and I had different spiritual experiences in each session.
In one session I felt a sense of utter bliss throughout my whole body. it was incredible, and that generated a deep heat in my crown and upper body. it was truly unbelievable.
In every session, I felt a sense of utter relaxation with an incredible gravitational pull. It was profoundly relaxing and calming. I felt at total ease.
I had the first 4 sessions just before I taught a yoga class, so for the 5th & 6th sessions Marina suggested we do it at a time I could then go home and rest and I felt a different sense of calmness and clarity.
Marina is truly remarkable and professional. I felt at ease throughout the 6 sessions and could talk to Marina to explain my experiences without judgment.
Marina, first night away and I randomly brought out some little vine tomatoes for dinner and Ted stood up and popped one in his mouth! I nearly fell over!!! He thought it was ‘ok’. He’s been eating chicken nuggets too which he had avoided for years.
Shocked, amazed and totally over the moon. Thank you so so much.