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3 days ago
One of my favourite techniques to share with clients is Jin Shin Jyutsu. If you feel anxious hold your thumb, not too hard, until you feel a pulse or a sensation, take a breath out, then breath in and continue to do so for 3-5 minutes. Then depending if your anxiety is fear or anger based will depend on which finger you hold next. Again breath out first, then continue to focus on your breathing for 3-5 minutes. The next finger to hold would then be your pinkie and repeat then breathing. You can hold your thumb and index finger together and do the process also. If you have panic attacks then hold the index finger and middle finger together. Each time making sure you focus on your breathing. For instant happiness then rub the middle of your palm, slowly and not to firmly, but not too soft either, notice how good you start to feel. I’d love to know how you get on with this. Marina
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4 days ago
THE LONG & WINDING ROADHave you ever wished that your journey to wellness, to promotion, to find that inner peace or happiness was a smooth one?When you’re looking to make some sort of progress in your life have you ever described it as an uphill struggle and when it’s all going wrong said it’s all downhill from here?Yes that pathway to the top isn’t easy or smooth because if it was where would the lessons in life be. You have to experience the obstacles that get in your way so you know how to deal with them if they ever show up again. Just like when you decide to climb a hill, a munro or a mountain 🏔 you will find that you may need some sort of help, guidance or support. The thought of how amazing the view will be once you get there could be enough to keep you going. Once you reach the pinnacle the relief you have done it is amazing, you have that sense of achievement. Life will always throw obstacles your way but knowing how to deal with them make them easier. That’s where I can help you. I can teach you techniques to help deal with anxiety, panic attacks. Even if it’s past events that are triggered by things that happen on your journey I can change how you perceive those events so those triggers no longer have that effect. Don’t see those obstacles in your life as an upward struggle, see them as a step in the right direction to your destination. More importantly, remember it is ok to ask for help when you need it. Marina#anxietyrelief #lettinggo #trauma #transformations #silentcounselling
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5 days ago
Close the gapWhen you think about your life how often do you think about all the things you have achieved?I was speaking to someone the other day and they just spoke about all the negative things that have happened to them and that they find being positive and making positive changes hard. I asked them to tell me 3 things they had done that day to make them feel grateful, big or small. They said they couldn’t think of any but proceeded to tell me what they had done that day and I was able to help them find gratitude in those things, but they followed it with a negative. If you focus negatively on the gap of where you are in your life and where you want to be without looking at all the positive things you have achieved it can be detrimental to your well being. If you have make a to do list and you only get half it done and at the end of the day feel you haven’t got enough done you’ll focus on what you haven’t achieved instead of what you have. Many people have gone through life with anxiety or trauma and maintain the focus on what it was that causes it. But when you think about how you have managed to get through it to be where you are now it makes more sense to focus on that.You are amazing, you have accomplished many things in your life, celebrate and focus on the successes, no matter how big or small. When you’ve ticked some things off your to do list, that’s accomplishment. When you’ve got yourself out of bed and showered, that’s an accomplishment. When you’ve stepped away from people who bring you down, that’s an accomplishment. Close the gap on focusing on what you didn’t do and what you did do by praising yourself for what you have achieved. You’ve got this far by achieving something in your life. Celebrate it🎉. Marina
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1 week ago
Understanding Anxiety: A-Z SeriesToday is the letter F - Fear.Anxiety is a heightened state of fear. It’s that sense of worry, dread, or panic that something that may (or may not) happen in the future. Fear can be about specific situations—like fear of public speaking, social interactions, or health issues—or it can even be more generalized, leaving you feeling uneasy without a real reason why.But why do we feel this fear? Anxiety causes your brain to perceive threats even when they aren’t real. This is part of the "fight or flight" that protects you from danger. However, when your brain mistakenly labels everyday events as threats, this fear can become overwhelming and prevent you from enjoying life.Here are some ways to manage anxiety-related fear:Acknowledge the Fear: The first step in overcoming fear is to recognise it. So instead of pushing the fear away or feeling frustrated with yourself, try to acknowledge it without judgment. Remember it’s okay to feel afraid—this is your body’s natural response.Challenge Your Thoughts: Ask yourself, “Is this fear based on facts, or am I imagining the worst-case scenario?” Is the thought true, is it necessary and is it kind. When you bring logic into the conversation you can help diffuse some of the fear.Focus on What You Can Control: Anxiety often makes you focus on things that are out of your control. So instead, try to focus on what you can do in the present moment. Taking small steps, no matter how small, can help you regain a sense of control.Grounding Techniques: When fear feels overwhelming, grounding exercises can bring you back to the present. Try focusing on your breath, making the exhale longer than the inhale or use the 5-4-3-2-1 method (Name 5 things you can see, 4 things you can touch, 3 things you can hear, 2 things you can smell, and 1 thing you can taste).Talk it Out: Sharing your fears with someone you trust can make a big difference. Sometimes just saying it out loud can help reduce its power.Fear is a natural part of life, but when anxiety amplifies it, it can hold us back. With practice, patience, and the right support, you can learn to face your fears and move forward with courage.Have you ever experienced anxiety-related fears? What helps you manage them? Feel free to share your thoughts and tips in the comments.Marina
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1 week ago
What you focus you’re energy on is what you get more off. If you’re always thinking about how your past affected you, the hurt it caused, the anxiety it’s created, then because that’s where your energy is going that’s what you will get. Change what you focus on, think about how strong you can be, what a better person you can become, how you know that life can feel better and that’s what you can get. If you struggle with the past and there are things you want to let go off so they no longer have a hold on you, then get in touch. I can help you change so that you can live the life you want to live. Marina
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